Hello! It is October and the start of Breast Cancer Awareness Month! I am happy to introduce my new website 2for2 Boobs (Formerly Network of Sisters & Friends).
As some or all of you may know I am a 2X survivor of Breast Cancer! My first fight was in over 13 years ago followed by a recurrence last year in June 2014. The first year I was diagnosed as stage 0 and had a left breast mastectomy and right breast radiation. This time around the recurrence came back in the mastectomy side and was stage 2. Treatment was more aggressive with a lumpectomy (removal of the lump) followed by 4 treatments of chemotherapy. I made the decision at this time to have all the tissue taken out of my right breast.
I am currently on a breast cancer drug that I have to take for the next 5 years called Anastrozole which blocks Estrogen which causes breast cancer cells to grow.October marks the date of my last chemo treatment of last year and my hair has grown back strong. God continues to bless me and I am so humble to be given another chance–to win another round with this terrible disease that affects both women and men. I am high risk because I have a family history on both sides (mom and dad). I have 7 brothers and 3 sisters and out of the 3 sisters all but one has had a breast cancer diagnosis. So far out of my brothers only one–who died of breast cancer 3 years ago.
One night I could not sleep and tossed and turned with insomnia. During that time God put in my spirit to relaunch my non-profit, rename it and provide a resource to get more to check there breasts—there boobs at least once a month. Just take 2 minutes to check your two breasts and take charge of your breast health. I did and because of it I’m still here!!!
Early diagnosis is key and I hope this new website can answer questions and provide guidance for those who have been touched by breast cancer or know someone who is and who have breast health questions. Donating this month to 2for2 boobs will allow me to be that resource. So I thank you in advance and help me help others!